Author: Cassie
Life is Strange Episode 1: Chrysalis
Set in the fictional town of Arcadia Bay, Life is Strange follows Max, the recently minted 18-year-old photography nerd, attending the elite Blackwall Academy. In the trend of episodic games, Life is Strange centers around player choice, the butterfly effect being both a literal and figurative force in the game. It manages, however, to distinguish…
Astral Plane: We’re All Scared of the Future
Every so often, an episode of a television show airs that plays out like a magnum opus. An episode that rocks you to your core, that speaks to you on a level deeper than you ever could have anticipated when you hit the play button. Within its block of time, it is somehow able to…
House of Leaves: Appendix II-E, The Three Attic Whalestoe Institute Letters (May 8th, 1987)
I’ve picked up House of Leaves again, Mark Z. Danielewski’s debut novel and veritable puzzle of a book. I previously abandoned it because, as a horror novel, I was having some trouble sleeping after reading it, but I’ve wanted to read it for years and the new year seems like a good time to conquer…